Our research is all funded through external funders such as the National Institute for Health Research, National Research Councils and The Wellcome.
Funder: European Commission
Investigator: Professor John Wright
Funder: NIHR
Investigator: Dr Lucy Pembrey, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Funder: European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Investigator: Professor John Wright
Funder: Sports England Local Delivery Pilot for Bradford
Investigator: Dr Sally Barber
Funder: The Waterloo Foundation
Investigator: Professor Mark Mon-Williams, University of Leeds
Funder: West Yorkshire Integrated Care Services
Investigator: Dr Josie Dickerson
Funder: National Institute for Health Research
Investigator: Professor John Wright
Funder: National Institute for Health Research
Investigator: Professor John Wright
Explaining differences in birth size and adiposity between White British and Pakistani origin babies
Funder: Medical Research Council
Investigator: Jane West, BIHR
Funder: Kidney Research UK
Investigator: Paul Roderick
Funder: British Heart Foundation
Investigator: Professor Debbie Lawlor
Funder: Arts Council England
Investigator: Prof John Wright