Some important discoveries about health have already come from the research, and these new ideas and discoveries are coming ever more quickly as we continue to collect more information.

These are some of the research areas that have already been, or are being, investigated by researchers, based on the information we have been so generously given by Born in Bradford families:
- Society: Parenting practices, social capital, ethnic density
- Mind: Maternal depression, Children’s well being
- Growth & Obesity: Factors influencing growth patterns
- Environment: Asthma & Allergy, Family use of green spaces
- Heart: Heart disease & Diabetes
- Genes: Risk factors for genetic disorders, Vision problems
- Movement: Measurement of physical activity
- Technology: Motor co-ordination & robotic arm
Understanding Genetics
The science of genetics is developing at an amazing rate, and the Born in Bradford project is at the cutting edge of this revolution. Not only do we have the DNA for thousands of young people and their parents, we also know a huge amount about their lives, from what they eat to what they think. So the scientists and researchers we work with are in an excellent position to study how lifestyle and genes work together. Researchers hope to use all this exciting new knowledge to pinpoint ways in which people can avoid health problems in the future.