This video is also available in Urdu and Slovak
What information does BiB4All use?
Lots of organisations regularly collect data about the services they provide; this is known as routine data. The NHS keeps health records so they can provide health services to you. Social Care keep records about services they provide to you and your family. Education organisations keep information to help them to provide services for your children in schools and so they know what they achieve. All of this information is collected electronically and stored separately on different systems. By linking this information together securely we can build up a much clearer picture of people’s lives and answer questions to improve health, care and services for families. The diagram below shows some of the different organisations that we contact to link information for people who join the study.

Further Information
You can find out more about the project in our participant information sheet. We have copies available in English, Bangla and Slovak (see downloads section below) and we will shortly have a copy in Urdu.
If you would like to hear more about the project or have any questions please contact us on 01274 364474 or