The Inequalities Research Unit (IRU) aims to identify and evaluate the optimal interventions to reduce inequalities in health within the Bradford City CCG area. The IRU is a collaboration between Born in Bradford (BiB), Bradford City CCG and the University of York. The IRU will run for 5 years in the first instance from April 2019-March 2024.
The focus of the IRU will be on reducing inequalities in health throughout the life course, with a particular focus on prevention (preconception, perinatal period and the early years) and on ageing well (reducing early mortality and morbidity).
In Year 1 (April 2019-March 2020) we will identify the most relevant interventions to address inequalities in the City CCG area. We will complete a comprehensive needs assessment, co-develop an outcomes framework, complete a systems map to identify gaps in provision, review the literature to identify relevant evidenced based interventions, and advise on appropriate interventions for delivery.
Once interventions have been selected, we will support providers to complete a thorough service design of their interventions, including the development and integration of progression criteria and robust evaluation. We will also develop health economics modelling to provide cost effectiveness evaluations both short-term and longer lifetime cost effectiveness.
In Years 2-5 we will complete effectiveness and cost effectiveness evaluations of these interventions, as well as qualitative evaluations. We will also offer regular monitoring of performance using key progression criteria and ensure dissemination of our learning.