
Employing an extended Theory of Planned Behaviour to predict breastfeeding intention, initiation, and maintenance in White British and South-Asian mothers living in Bradford.

Closed Access
British journal of health psychology


Despite reported differences in breastfeeding rates amongst women of different ethnic groups, little research has investigated whether the thoughts and feelings (social cognitions) of women from these different groups during pregnancy influence their later breastfeeding behaviour.


This study investigates the extent to which social cognitions (based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour; TPB) predictdifferences in breastfeeding intentions, initiation, and maintenance between White British (WB) and South Asian (SA) women.


Two hundred and fifty women (predominantly WB or SA) in the last trimester of pregnancy completed a questionnaire based on the TPB. The women were followed up 6 months later and their breastfeeding during the previous 6 months was recorded.


The TPB predicted significant variance in breastfeeding across the sample and was able to account for differences between SA and WB women. Affective attitudes (emotional reactions to breastfeeding) and moral norms (reactions about whetherbreastfeeding is right or wrong) were the strongest predictors of intentions. Intentions and affective attitudes were predictive ofbreastfeeding initiation, whilst only affective attitudes were predictive of breastfeeding maintenance.


Stronger intentions to breastfeed led to higher rates of breastfeeding amongst SA women. In turn, intentions were predicted by emotional and moral beliefs about breastfeeding, beliefs that were less positive amongst a WB sample. This suggests that those tasked with encouraging breastfeeding may need to have a different conversation with women about breastfeeding that goes beyond a focus on costs and benefits.

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Journal name

British journal of health psychology


Volume 17, Issue 4

Publication date


DOI identification


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