We wish to appoint a researcher in population health, to conduct quantitative evaluations of physical activity interventions within our Physical Activity Research team at Born in Bradford (BiB), Bradford Institute for Health Research. BiB is an internationally acclaimed applied research programme which aims to improve health and wellbeing through the development and evaluation of interventions to promote health, and the application of research into practice (www.borninbradford.nhs.uk). Our mission is to promote a healthier, happier and fairer future for children, young people and their families in Bradford and beyond.
Our Physical Activity Research Team are working on a range of applied health projects which aim to develop, implement, and evaluate ‘whole system’ physical activity interventions such as the Bradford Sport England Local Delivery Pilot which is called Join Us Move Play (JUMP). Since 2018, Bradford’s JU:MP programme has taken a whole systems approach to tackling inequalities in and access to physical activity among children aged 5-14. Working with families, communities, organisations, environment, policy and strategy, and at a local neighbourhood level using Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD), the programme aligns with international evidence on investments that work (the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH), 2020) and the World Health Organisations Global Action plan.