We are recruiting two senior research fellows with expertise in epidemiology research. This is an opportunity for organised, motivated and enthusiastic researchers to join our Born in Bradford (BiB) team, working on innovative research programmes:
Data resources for the post include Born In Bradford (www.borninbradford.nhs.uk), our flagship birth cohort study, including a vast array of genetic, medical and family-level data; the world’s first interventional cohort, Born In Bradford’s Better Start, designed to evaluate preventative interventions to reduce inequalities; BiB4All, an electronic birth cohort studying new mothers via consented data linkage; Age of Wonder, a large study of adolescent health that will recruit all secondary school pupils in Bradford; and Connected Bradford, a whole-population linked database including health, social care, and education records. Together these resources make Bradford a unique place to study the determinants of health and interventions that may improve health.
Main duties of the job
Post 1: Responsive research in the Healthy Families theme of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Yorkshire and Humber (YHARC). Working closely with our Director of Child Health Research, this post would suit someone keen to work across the breadth of child health research, from babies to teenagers, using a variety of epidemiological methods, on a large range of data sources, and with colleagues from across the country. The post is designed to be responsive to system needs and changing interests working in the group at present covers topics as diverse as vaccination, infant technology, frailty, obesity, and mental health.
Post 2: Understanding of the relationship between social media usage and mental health in adolescents. This post will be part of the Bradford Centre for Health Data Science, a research centre focused on quantitative research methods.
There will be one application and one interview for both roles. You can express any preference you may have for a particular area of research (if any) in the application and interview.