Team member

Dr John Pickavance

Principal Data Scientist

My work aims to leverage novel digital technologies to further our understanding of adolescent development and address health inequalities. To this end I’ve developed simple games for tablets, web-browsers, and virtual reality headsets, which permit the measurement of motor skills and cognitive processes. I also developed the BiB: Age of Wonder data dashboard for Senior Leadership, allowing schools to identify and action the mental health needs of their student population in just a few clicks. I currently lead on evaluating the effectiveness of Mental Health Support Teams at improving adolescent mental health in schools. My current research interests also include the role social media plays in adolescent mental health and wellbeing.

More broadly, I’m interested in engaging young people and schools with science. Rather than using schools as participant pools, we aim to bring students closer to the scientific method, providing interactive lessons, workshops, and datasets. Through this approach, we hope to educate and inspire future generations of scientists from all backgrounds.

You can play a demo of my work here:

John Pickavance

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