
Validation of the Local Index of Child Wellbeing against individually collected data: a case study


Investigator: Dr Stephanie Prady, University of York

This study will carry out validation of the administratively collected Local Index of Child Wellbeing (LICW) and Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) using individual level data in BiB aggregated to Lower Super Output Area (LSOA). This can be achieved as some of the indicators in these indices were asked as individual questions in the Born in Bradford (BiB) baseline questionnaire, and the BiB cohort are based in one geographical area.

The large number of ethnic minority families in BiB means that we can explore the reliability of the index in culturally diverse areas, which is currently unknown. Other national cohorts such as the Millennium Cohort Study do not have enough participants sampled in one LSOA to provide comparable area data. Other geographically based cohorts such as the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children have little ethnic diversity. Additionally, the timing of BiB baseline data collection is similar to the data collection schedule in LICW and IDACI, decreasing potential error associated with, for example, changes in benefit eligibility over time.



Principal Investigator

Dr Stephanie Prady, University of York

Project start


Project end


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