Introduction: With recent information available on the disease status of population the current study explores the morbidity patterns among different subgroups of population and observes what type of diseases are common among children, adults and of the older ages in Pakistan.
Methods: Data source for analyses in this study is taken from Pakistan Panel household survey. This survey was conducted in year 2010 with a sample size of 4142 households, 1342 in urban and 2800 rural. The current study uses the sample of population reported ill to be around 8177 in all age groups.
Results: High proportion (27%) reported ill with almost 30% females and 25% males respectively. Age group 60+ is the most prevalent in disease with high level of morbidity among females ranging from ages 10 and above. Most commonly reported disease was fever and majority was reported in the younger age groups.The older segment of the population reported degenerative diseases like diabetes, heart problems and renal/kidney problems.
Conclusions: Diseases were found to be more prevalent among the age groups of 0-4, 30-59 and 60+, indicating high levels of morbidity and especially among females. High incidence of illness were reported by males in the younger age groups of 0-4 and 5-9.These are the only ages where males have shown high morbidity rates than their females counter parts thus reflecting the poor health status of females overall. (Pak J Public Health; 3(2): 28-34.